mommy and daddy was so excited for our first family vacation to santa barbara with you. santa barbara is daddy's old stomping grounds for college. one of the most fun days was taking you to the zoo. you were a bit too young to fully appreciate it but we think you enjoyed seeing some of the animals.
you are always so good on our car rides. we are so thankful that you love riding in your car seat wherever we go.
lucky us, we had uncle robert and aunty jehna join us for a few days. they are always loving on you and giving mommy and daddy a little break.
thanks to aunty jehna, you always get cool photos taken of. it was definitely quite some work to lug everything of yours on our trip but worth all of it for you, our precious baby boy. we can't wait for our next trips with you baby owen.
baby owen, you are the funniest baby always wanting to grab the spoon and feed yourself...
you always manage to look satisfied after every bite...
i think here you were telling mommy to hurry up with the next bite...
here you go again with the probably wished that mommy just let you do it all by yourself...mommy is thinking 'one day baby day soon...
mommy said 'all done' but you gave mommy this look like 'mommy, you kidding me...i am not done eating.
baby owen, mommy and daddy got you a half-y birthday gift for turning 6 months got your very own high chair to eat in and entertain yourself when mommy and daddy are eating.
we think you liked your definitely love seeing the world from up there.
mommy and daddy cannot get over that this day has come for you to eat your very first solid food. mommy needs to forget about this high chair staying clean and pristine.
baby owen, it is so much fun to see all the little expressions you make. mommy and daddy can't wait for you to talk one day but until then, we don't mind just reading your cute face.
you love to babble, yell happy screams and giggle...we love figuring out what books you love, which games you like and especially love the sweet kisses you give mommy...
you are growing so fast...wish we could slow down time and enjoy every moment with you over and over. xoxo
mommy and daddy are so thankful we get to see photos of you during the day on your classroom facebook account {and its a private account}. your teachers are so amazing to capture all the little moments we miss out on.
you love sucking on your fingers right now...
ever since you were born, you have been such an alert baby. you love watching people, tv, anything that seems interesting to you...mommy and daddy think you're super smart already.